Posted: 2020-0901
Teachers - you can call, email, or chat with Amplify support.
Teachers can call Amplify Support at (800) 823-1969 to speak to one of our support representatives. The phone options you will be prompted with are: option 1-tech support then the following options: 1-mclass, 2-science, 3-core knowledge, 4-reading.
Besides calling support, you can also email ([email protected]) or chat with support ( .
Updated: 2020-1021
To contact Amplify Support, chat works best. Usually you will get a response within 60-90 minutes. Log into then in the lower right corner click on the chat button to start a new conversation. If you email support, you won't get a response for 14 days.
Chat text: Put in the issue and a link to a video of the issue. Submit it, leave the window open, and wait. Once you get a response from a technician...immediately respond that you are there then respond that you are ready to try his/her suggest and ask he/she was able to watch the video. Otherwise the tech will move to the next person and you end up waiting 5-6 minutes for another response.
You will get an auto response including the case number once you submit the issue which will also come to the email address associated with your login.
Here is an example issue submitted via chat:
Need help. Student getting spinning guy. Here is a video of the issue: