As outlined in the student handbook that using district owned technology is not private. District Administrators and School Administrators can view all student emails through Hapara by doing the following steps. A teacher can see only emails he/she sent to a student by doing the same following steps.
Tutorial video (5:28, permission protected)
- Go to
- Click Manage Classes
BelowManage Classes, click All Classes
- Drop down the "Choose School" menu and select the school
- You now see the Google Classrooms for this school.
- To see a student, you need to first get into a Google Classroom with that student.
- In the search box to the right of the school dropdown, type the teacher or class name.
- Click the Class with the student you want to see (this search was for 'attendance')
- Click Gmail
- To help narrow your results, you can click the following
- You can search for a word or person's email by typing in the search box.
- Done!