Tutorial video (1:58, permission granted to District145 Faculty/Staff)

Open Documents via the Platform menu and navigate to the "Breakfast and Lunch Menus" folder where you intend to upload a file. Click on the purple "Upload Files" button.

Browse your computer and select the file you want to upload. Click the "Open" button to upload your file.

Hover over the file or folder you want to edit.

Click the pencil icon that appears. You will have the option to edit the name of the file or folder, and to update a file if desired. 

Edit the name of the file to the following format...YYYY Month Breakfast Menu....OR....YYYY Month Lunch Menu (such as "2021 September Breakfast Menu" as shown below).

Click the purple "Update" button once you are finished making changes to the file or folder.

Rearrange the order of the documents to have the most recent month's menus at the top to do this hover over the file/folder you want to move. 

A series of grey dots will appear to the left of the file/folder. This can area can be used as a handle to move the file or folder.

Click the file or folder and drag it to where you want it to be.

Other tutorials are below.  Also Apptegy has a help center 
