Last Updated: 8/26/2024 Adam Bauman

These instructions are to prepare you for giving a user additional color prints, reducing a users color prints, interpreting the transaction log, understanding the job log, and running a report for a user or your building of users.

  1. Logging in

    1. In Classlink, click “Papercut Admin”.

    2. If you don’t get signed in, reload the page until you get a ‘Sign in with Google’ button then click it to sign in.

  2. Changing a balance

    1. Click Users

    2. Scroll or filter for a user

    3. Click the user name

    4. Click on the Adjustments & Charges tab

    5. Clear the text from the Adjustment to apply box and enter the number desired using whole numbers.

      1. Use positive number to give a user more credits

      2. Use a negative number to remove credits from a user

    6. In the comments box, type a note that will show in the transaction history tab (and be visible by the user).

    7. Click Apply.

    8. NOTE: Always leave “Restricted” checkmarked except for district administrators.

  3. Transaction Log

    1. Shows when credits were changed and by how much and the comment (aka reason).

    2. If “Transaction Type” is “Printer Usage” then hover over for details.

  4. Job Log

    1. Shows every job (Scan, Copy, Print, Fax).

    2. In Pages there is Color showing the number of pages in color then reference the Cost column for what was charged to the user.

    3. If Color is 0 (zero) then no color printers were done nor charged.

    4. Note: It is important to logout of the color copiers before the next person makes copies.

  5. Reports

    1. User List: show their credit balance and pages for the period selected

    2. User printing - summary: shows what they printed for the period selected

    3. User printing - logs: shows the jobs they printed for the period selected

  6. Bulk User Changes

    1. You can change everyone in a group or a list of users.

    2. Use this for resetting everyone’s credits at the start of the school year.

    3. Use this for increasing everyone’s credits at the quarter or semester.